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New Parents, a Small Baby and a Van - Wieners & Nature's Finest

Sturm = yum. Vienna (A.K.A Wien), Austria (from Krakow via Auschwitz Memorial) - 454 kms Total Mileage - 3013.6 kms New Mileage - 243,400.8 kms Jimmi As we left the Auschwitz Memorial with heavy hearts, we decided it was time to pick up the pace and point the van south away from the looming winter.  Ultimately heading for Croatia as our next major country, choices to stop on the way were either Bratislava or Vienna.  Not knowing much about either we finally decided on Vienna as friends of ours had lived there for a short time and had met some great people there. Vienna is a pristine 1st world city, and although the tourist parts of Krakow in the old city have been beautifully preserved or fully restored when you venture away from the tourist hub the urban city was quite grimey, as is much of Poland.   Although at no point did we feel unsafe there, and I personally really loved the vibe of the locals’ Krakow. Our friends told us to head to ...

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